Elementa is an Oslo based production house built on a notion that caring about how we create the objects and the spaces we surround ourselves with, is a real worthwhile endeavour.
Since the startup in 2012, Elementa has helped to furnish a lot of spaces, including some of Norway's most interesting creative workspaces. Our project list also includes several bigger projects such as The Norwegian Research Council, The Norwegian Ministry of Education, Statistics Norway (SSB) and The Norwegian Cultural Council, to name a few.
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Our strange day calls for a (multi)disciplined apporach to explore new ideas in how we make stuff, why we do it, who is affected, how and why we work.
We work with designers, artists and researchers in various fields with a goal to develop a set of objects, ideas and - a set of “building blocks” that can be used to make beautiful, meaningful spaces for life, work and play.
We are fascinated with the fact that every object we see and interact with in 3 dimensions, is really a multidimensional object. Science tells us that time is an illusion, albeit a very stubborn one. The prelife and afterlive of every object - is really one and the same phenomena.
Our goal is to produce “deep objects” in the sense that we consider the larger context of each object that we create: To be mindful of both the dimensions of time and space and the dimensions of purpose, beauty and adventure.
Are the objects we surround ourselves with - suited to our vision of what we want life to be about? If not, what can be done to make it so?